Once Upon A Time
Weight Graph

Aunt Anamarie
Cousin Jessie
Grandma Myriam, Elena, Emma, & Great Grandmother Mima
Aunt Anamarie and Grandma Myriam



Monday, November 14, 2005
3 Weeks 3 Days Old


Me, Elena, Emma, & Great Grandmother Mima

Emma all dolled-up


It is now 1:43AM and I am on "Emma Watch". I've been on since 11:00 PM and so far the night has been uneventful. Both Elena and Emma are sleeping like little angels and I have spent the last few hours channel surfing. I don't know how many times I have watched the "Little Giant" infomercial in the last three weeks but for some reason it never gets old. That is what my life has been reduced to... Little things please me in a big way in the wee hours of the morning.

It has now been over three weeks with our little "Emmalicious" in our lives. It's strange because it feels like it has been so much longer. I suppose its because our days are never-ending and blend into the night. Despite being up at all hours of the day, the time does pass rather quickly. I am typically up at around 5:30 AM and by 11:00AM I feel it is more like 3:30PM in the afternoon. If by the end of the day Elena and I can get a shower in and brush our teeth we feel like we have accomplished something.

Emma continues to breastfeed well. I did try to give her formula for the third time. This time it was Nestle's "Good Start". My cousin Anna Christina suggested that this one tastes less of iron and more like milk. At least according to her friend Cynthia. Emma drank it down without much of a problem which gave Elena a little break. She did spit up however, several times thereafter.

[Emma is starting to wake for her 1:53 AM feeding. Be right back].



[2:56 AM: I'm back. Emma has been fed, changed, burped, hugged, kissed, and placed back in her bassinet].

Where was I, ah yes, Emma spit up the "Good Start" formula. So after talking to Aunt Araceli, Elena said that we should try mixing breast milk with formula in order to gradually introduce her to it and help her build a tolerance. Brilliant! We will try that next.

[3:15 AM Emma is up again... Hang on]



[4:00 AM Emma has been quite fussy and doesn't want to sleep, nor be held, nor play on her floor mat, nor sit in her swing... I changed her again (because she is a poop machine) and placed her back in her bassinet after pressing every button on the contraption so the music is playing, the mobile is swinging, the soft lights are flickering, the basinet is vibrating and still Emma is not having it. I figured that would probably over-stimulate her but I don't know what else to do. Elena just woke up from all the noise and has decided to feed her so I am back at the computer screen]

I'm becoming one of those parents with little to no attention span because my child consumes 99% of my mental and physical resources. I always found parents like that very annoying. I will try to work on it. I assume a certain level of disruption this early in the game until we can get her normalized to a routine. OK, I can hear you laugh from here, but seriously, we will have a routine sooner or later. It can't be pandemonium forever.

Emma had some visitors (her Aunt, Cousin, Grandmother, and Great Grandmother) this weekend. They all had fun holding her while she slept and then dressing her in accessories that they had brought. We had a Pizza hut pizza feast and then they were off.

It is now 5:10 AM and Elena has just returned to bed after feeding Emma and putting her to bed. Emma has been sleeping for about thirty minutes. I told Elena I would take this next shift so she could get a few more hours of sleep. I will try to update Elena's weight graph next week once I get the data from her. In the mean time I will be returning to work next week, for three days, and then we get two days off for Thanksgiving plus the weekend. This will be a good opportunity for us to test our new sleep schedule and make adjustments prior to my fully returning to work the following week.