Once Upon A Time
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Sunday, January 8, 2006
11 Weeks 2 Days Old


"Fish Lips"

Emma watching "Baby DaVinci"


I can't remember the last time I rocked quietly in a chair while the world and all its problems knocked impatiently at my door, or sat on the floor making silly faces and voices, or read a story, or laughed for no reason at all.

I can't remember the last time I heard a cow go "moo", or a sheep go "baaah", or a pig go "oink".

I can't remember the last time I sang a song out loud even though I didn't know all the words, or stared at the ceiling while laying on the floor.

I can't remember the last time I listened to Mozart, Beethoven or Bach. Or recited my "ABC's", or counted to ten... over and over again.

I can't remember the last time I wondered, or imagined, or pretended. Or felt so important, so privileged, and so in love.

I can't remember the last time, until now.

It's funny how priorities change when you have a little one, and how all those big people problems that couldn't wait, seem so trivial and unimportant.


Elena has been sick all week with a throat infection. She has been taking medicine to alleviate the symptoms and resting as much as possible (which isn't as much as she should but slightly more than usual). I have tried to assist her during the week by sleeping with Emma and caring for her when she wakes for her AM feeding. Thankfully Emma has continued to sleep for longer periods at night and is continuing to average about 5-6 hours of contiguous sleep after 12:00AM. Emma has been teething a lot this week and tries to suck on her fingers to alleviate the discomfort she is experiencing. Emma is also getting noticeably bigger each day, and that is quite remarkable coming from people who see her every day. She is much more engaging with her eyes, holds her head up when carried, and laughs out loud.

Elena is such a wonderful Mom to Emma. She talks to her constantly, has pretend conversations with her, and stimulates her throughout the course of the day through various activities. It is clear that Emma enjoys her time with Mommy as she is constantly smiling and laughing and secure. I feel blessed to have such a beautiful child and such a loving and nurturing wife. For as long as I can remember this has always been my dream: White picket fences, "and they lived happily ever after". If I succeed at only one thing in life, this is the one I want it to be.