Bloggy Carnival Giveaway!

Today Emma turned two-and-a-half. To commemorate this momentous occasion we decided to hold a giveaway in her honor. Since I am a big fan of automation, efficiency, and cycle-time reduction, I want to hear what software products or web-based services you use to get things done. You wanna know what you’re playing for? (Can you tell I love Survivor). Then take a look at the official rules below:

Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button

What is the prize:
$25 Target Gift Card

How you can win:
Leave a comment on this post telling me your favorite tech tip (i.e. any tools or web services you use that make you more efficient and productive). For an example of such services click here.

Who is eligible:
You must have a US mailing address. You don’t have to be a blogger to win, just supply a valid e-mail address (don’t forget to include this or I won’t be able to contact you if you are the winner).

When the giveaway ends:
Friday, April 25. I’ll e-mail the winner on the 26th. If the winner doesn’t respond within four business days, a new winner will be drawn.


  1. Kelly Capron says

    We use Picassa for all of our picture storage. We love the easy format.

  2. I love Google Reader – I’m more efficient now, but I seem to be collecting a lot more blogs to follow!

  3. I do use Skype as well but mostly for work. For personal IM I use Pidgin because I have so many friends that use different software (AIM, Messenger, MSN)…this way I can be a part of all them without having to sign up for each and every group.

  4. I love google blogger to help organize all the sites that I like to visit daily. It really streamlines things and helps to keep me focused and efficient.


  5. I use Mastercook to store my recipes, shopping list, pantry item, etc. In fact, I like it so much, I blogged about it.


  6. Check out That is my all time favorite website.


  7. I love

    What a great giveaway – love the photo of your daughter w/ the card outside of Target…very creative 😉 and stands out from all these other contests!!!

  8. What a cutie!

    I am not much of a computer person, but I love to share slideshows using

  9. I could’nt manage my site without Dreamweaver and Photoshop! 🙂

  10. I’m not much of a techie and the only software that I really use is Quicken. Really helps in keeping me from over spending.

    Oh, and your little Emma is BEAUTIFUL!

  11. Love Gmail notifier! Whenever I get an email, I hear a ‘bing!’ Saves me time because I don’t check it as obsessively now. 🙂

  12. Even though I use technology all the time, I don’t know if I really have a tip. Hmmm…I am a fan of gmail’s folder filters and the ability to send e-mail from multiple addresses.

    Would love to be entered…thanks!

  13. I have to say Google has made a world of difference. With over 60 comments, I am sure you have gotten that already… but even so, it is my tool of choice. 🙂

  14. Please add my name to the hat. I love to use picasa for uploading and storing my photos.

  15. I couldn’t live without my iGoogle homepage – it organizes my blogging habit!

  16. I love Picasa online albums, twitter, iGoogle. I have my homepage customized so I just see the stuff I want. Hope this counts. I’m not the techiest person. Thanks and happy half-bday!

  17. whatta cutie!
    i love bloglines to keep track of what blogs i “need” to read and who has updated!

  18. pretty in polka dots in my fave!

  19. I love bloglines. I couldn’t live without it! 😉

  20. It’s so generic but using my bank’s website to pay bills. I get my bills electronically, there’s a reminder service and I save paper and stamps! Great prize and Emma is a cutie!

  21. I love I use them for all my business stuff and we just got my husband’s graduation announcements from them and they were wonderful!

  22. I use Picasa to post pictures of our daughter to long distance relatives can see her. I also use Shutterfly to make digital “scrapbooks” of her because I don’t do paper scrapbooking. Your daughter is so cute!

  23. Picasa!

  24. We love flickr and how we can keep lots and lots of photos there and access them from anywhere. As we prepare to move to South America and don’t want to take all the photos (climate wouldn’t be kind to them anyway), this will be a great resource.
    And Happy Birthday Emma!!!

  25. how would i live without google’s picasa???

    ndisilvio at gmail dot com

  26. I’m loving google reader right now. It’s wonderful.

  27. I am not sure if this counts but I use to make sure I never miss another birthday! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  28. As a teacher I use google images for everything. It helps the kids understand vocabulary words they aren’t familiar with. Google videos too!

  29. Google is your friend

  30. I use Google Reader to keep up with all of my favorite blogs and Picasa to organize my pictures. If you want a program like Photoshop for free, check out Gimp.

  31. Hmmm, the only thing I can think of that I use is Google. 🙂

  32. I love paying bills online. I do it through my credit union, but any online bill paying saves time and stamps!

    chloedevlin at sbcglobal dot net

  33. Tanya Moyer says

    Great giveaway! Thanks for offering! The few “techy” things I use are Bloglines, I “google” everything, and I use the “autofill” option on my toolbar for everything I need to fill out!

  34. does Bloglines count? I’m not much of a techie user, but I gotta say that Bloglines has changed my life! I used to spend a good half to full hour in the morning to go through my email and check all the blogs I read. I. Love. Bloglines!!!! 🙂

    Great giveaway, thanks for the chance!

  35. I like using Evite for birthday parties and Kaboodle for gift ideas. Not real high tech, but great for keeping track of parties and gifts. Especially since I like some input into the gifts my girls get and the grandparents like being given ideas.

  36. I couldn’t live without my google reader page.

  37. We use Microsoft Money to manage our finances. It makes it really handy to keep track of everything.

  38. I’ve been using Ctrl-C to copy, Ctrl-X to cut, and Ctrl-V to paste for probably 10 years, but I just recently learned about Ctrl-Z to undo your last action… this works in most programs!

  39. I could not keep up on my blog reading without Google Reader.

  40. The techy thing that makes my life easier-if this counts-is Menu Plan Monday hosted by I’m An Organizing Junkie! Seriously. Great.

    I also Google a lot, and the automatic spell check is wonderful, too.

  41. google calendar, and jott

  42. I love copy, cut and paste! I love the picure of Emma in front of Target!

  43. Googel is GReat!!!!!!!!!

  44. Opening multiple tabs while cruising the interweb.

  45. Google is my favorite :).

  46. Such a cute giveaway idea…And who doesn’t love Target?! As far as a tip, I love using my favorites folder to nab great sites to check out later! Thanks for such a generous giveaway! Take Care!

  47. My secret isn’t just opening multiple tabs while browsing–it’s actually setting up my homepage AS multiple tabs. The main pages I know I need to check all pop up as separate tabs. I close them one at a time, then I’m done.

    I also recommend

  48. I use Google reader to subscribe to all my favorite blogs. That way I don’t have to spend time going through all my bookmarks, I just go to one place!

  49. JenniferB says

    My palm pilot keeps me sane and helps me get myself and my kids where we need to be, when we need to be there!

  50. Hello, Thanks for sponsoring a great giveaway drawing. I like your model holding the prize! Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks,Cindi

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